Common Mistakes To Avoid As A Blogger

Common Mistakes To Avoid As A Blogger 


If you have taken the step to start a blog, there are lots of things to learn in order to be successful in your blogging career. It is best to learn from people who have been in the business before you commit some costly mistakes.

Check out 7 mistakes you need to avoid in order to run a successful blog.

1. Not focusing on a specific niche 

Before you start a blog one important factor to consider is specializing in a specific niche. If you don't define your niche before you start then you have a problem even before starting. 

It is sometimes best to write a blog post titled 'My First Blog Post'. In this post, try to explain to your readers why you are blogging publicly, the purpose of your blog, the values they will get by reading your blog and more specifically why your blog would focus on the niche you have chosen to focus on. 

It is a common saying that when the purpose of something is not known, abuse is inevitable. You must always refer back to your purpose to keep you on track.

2. Not defining your target audience 

No matter how meaningful your contents are, they would make no meaning if they do not reach your target audience. For instance, if your blog is an education blog, your main target audiences are students. It would make no sense if you reach out tho people who are less interested in education. 

It is best to know who your audience are and then make a plan on how to serve their needs and attend to their problems. The essence of starting a blog or any business venture is to solve a problem.
Define the major problems encountered by your target audience and profer a lasting solution to them.

3. Inconsistent Blogging  

Consisitency and specialization leads to perfection. You might ask why your page is not ranking on Google. The truth is Google prefers active websites with updated contents and not a website that is barely worked on. 

If possible you are finding it difficult to create a content for your blog, I suggest you schedule a plan on how frequently you would create a contents on a weekly or daily basis. 

In short, a dead lion cannot roar like a living one. Your consistently blogging shows you are active. Imagine if you visited a blog and you noticed that the last time the blogger published a content was two weeks ago. Although the contents could be rich but the truth is you would love to get more updates from such blog if you find it interesting. 

On the other hand, you would be disappointed if you did not get recent updates from the blog.

4. Too much focus on SEO 

The business of Search Engine Optimisation could be sometimes tricky. As a beginner, you would think that by creating blog posts based on SEO would make your page rank higher since you are working on what people are currently searching or what is trending. 

However, such is not the case as there are some factors other than SEO at work that makes a page rank higher. The key is creating a quality content that targets your main audience. After doing this, then the inserting of keywords comes in place.

5. Not promoting your blog contents 

As well as creating meaningful contents is important, the need for promotion is highly needed. Imagine running a business without creating any awareness, It would only be known to the people around you and you are likely to be limited to those sets of people.
Same goes for the blogging business. If you fail to share the links to your blog contents on social media, your content might not go viral.

6. Not using persuasive content writing techniques 

It should be understood that creative content writing is totally different from Academic writings.  No matter how good you may be at academic writings, there is still a need for you to get accustomed with the tools of creative content writing. 

Therefore, if you want to write quality content, your headline must be catchy enough. Also, your introduction must captivate the readers’ interest. If you can be so skillful with your title and introduction then you have done the needful. 

It is also necessary to give a human touch to what you write. Give practical life examples and relate them with what you intend to address in your content.

7. Not having a newsletter subscription 

The essence of having a newsletter subscription is to get your readers along with what they have missed when they did not visit your blog.

It helps to keep them updated about your recent posts on your blog. 

There are some things that they would not get to read by directly visiting your blog but the newsletter could be created such that it would grab the reader's attention.

Conclusively, by avoiding these mistakes you are on your way to building a successful blogging career in the niche you choose to specialize.


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