How to Write Social Media Ads That Converts

How to Write Social Media Ads That Converts

The social media is one of the most used platforms of the internet. This is however due to the fact that it is widely used. There are millions of users accessing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and any social media platforms you could think of. With the aid of the social media, you could connect directly to anywhere in the world.

However, it is of no use if you cannot use the social media as a platform to reach your target audience. Results has proven that the social media is one of the most effective and efficient ways to promote your brand.

If you are a frequent user of social media platforms, you are likely to have come across some adverts that could either serve your needs or the ones that you do not actually need. Do you know that you could spot an advert that does not meet your requirements but on further view on it, it catch your attention.

All of a sudden, you begin to see the need to venture in the services, good or products that the adverts have to offer you.

Have you ever experienced this scenario before? If your answer to this question is yes then I would show you how to create social media ads that could convert your prospective viewers to a community of targeted audience. On the other hand, if you have not experience this before, read through this article as I guide you on how to create a similar experience for your viewers, most especially social media users.

Here are seven step-by-step tips on how to write social media ads that would convert most (if not all) of your ads viewers into key customers.

1. Define your brand’s voice

This is the first and foremost step in the process. It is essential to let your viewers know what your brand is all about. For instance, if your brand deals with fashion, try as much as possible to have a unique voice that would let your viewers know the product, goods or service offered by your brand.

It is not proper to use the brand’s voice of a transport when promoting a fashion brand. Most importantly, do not copy other people’s brand voice. - Uniqueness is the key to specialization.
2. Ask a question

Data and statistics have shown that ads or headlines that start with a question are likely to get more attention that the ones with just mere sentences put together. However, there are formats for question that has a higher tendency to grab your viewer’s attention. The rule of thumb is:

Ask questions that requires an answer from your viewers. – Example;
“Need long-lasting foot-wears?”
3. Flag-off your viewers in your ads

The rule of ‘flagging-off your viewers’ implies that you include that word ‘You’ in your ads. The goal of this is to direct the question specifically towards people. This is done in order to give your advert a human touch. Based on this rule, the above example could be modified as:
“Do you need long-lasting foot-wears?”

4. State reasons for the ads

This is the part of the business that requires of you to define your brand. In essence, no one would patronize you if they do not know the values that your goods or services would add to them. You need to clearly state why your viewers need to buy a long-lasting foot-wear that you sell? Is it for tough weather conditions or for fashion? If you fail to include this in your adverts, then people would be like “Why do I need to buy long-lasting footwear?” They could skip the advert and leave it untouched.

If we are to modify the above headline advert, we could re-write it as:
“Do you need long-lasting foot-wears that could match any outfit?”

5. Simplify your ads

The human brain is wired to do venture into something simple. The only exception to this is when humans are under pressure. Remember the words – ‘Simple is beautiful. Complex is ugly’ Will you prefer to choose something ugly rather that the beautiful one? – Absolutely ‘NO.’

We live in a world where most folks out there are not ready to read long or too long contents unless it is interesting and captivating. Why create bulky ads when all your words could be summed up into a few but simple words? It is more helpful if you split your ads into paragraphs. Instead of combining much words in a single paragraph. If possible, make it two or three paragraphs.
6. Use short URLs

This also goes hand-in-hand with the previous points. If is more wearisome to click on a longer URL that a shorter ones. The truth seeing the links creates a notion that ‘The contents or other parts of the ads would be complex.’ In order to avoid this, make use or URL shorteners to create a simple and clickable link.  

7. Call to action

It is useless to start an advert that leads to nowhere. A good advert that converts ensures a follow up system that gets the viewer’s attention on how to get what was advertised. The most commonly used words that helps to call to action are learn more, read more and contact us.    


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